RL'|Cremon| (cremon)

Related tribals: patrick the starfish

Total score 8194
Kills 2808
Deaths 3724
Offense 4623
Defense 1424
Style 2147
Time played 86 hours (3 days 14 hours and 4 minutes)
Last seen 4 years ago

337 matches

Time Map Players Score
2020-03-23 20:13 REV-CanyonCrusade 13
8 / 9
2020-03-23 19:52 BEML7 Extinction 10
0 / 0
2020-03-23 19:51 REV-Highlands 12
4 / 7
2020-03-21 21:07 BEML7 Extinction 8
8 / 7
2020-03-18 22:12 Blood Veldt (VM) 11
8 / 1
2020-03-18 21:50 REV-Mayata 16
2 / 13
2020-03-18 21:29 MP-BEML4-Frontline 17
7 / 2
2020-03-16 21:06 BEML7 Extinction 11
3 / 4
2020-03-16 20:45 Folly (BEML6) 10
9 / 2
2020-03-16 20:24 Beml7 Faith 11
7 / 2

Aggregated stats

Kills 2776
Suicides 1180
Flag captures 359
Flag returns 565
Team kills 90
Flag carrier kills 586
Head shots 3
Highest speed 372
MAs (mid-airs) 1552
MA+ (mid-air plus) 199
MA supreme (mid-air supreme) 38
GLMAs (Grenade launcher mid-airs) 128
EBMAs (E-blade mid-airs) 4
OMGs 4
Eat discs 9
Sweet shot 6
Extended stats 26
FlagOutOfBounds 1
FlagPlay 16
FurryFlagKill 11
TR Grab angle 3
TR Grab distance 197
TR Grab height 3
TR Grab sequence 4
TR Grab speed 105
Kidney thief 2
ScavengerGrab 1
Total blaster damage 24
Total chaingun damage 1920
Total grenade launcher damage 59226
Total mortar damage 71
Total spinfusor damage 192466
Flag attacks 136
Flag defends 280
Team kills 7
Turnover 3
Flag pickups 1210
killStatArena 5
Sniper maximal shot distance 1207
Spinfusor maximal shot distance 30538
Total sniper rifle damage 787