The Bubble Boi (the bubble boi)

Related tribals: bubbles , thebubbleboi

Total score 207
Kills 104
Deaths 367
Offense 142
Defense 16
Style 49
Time played 14 hours (13 hours and 33 minutes)
Last seen 4 years ago

41 matches

Time Map Players Score
2020-02-21 22:14 Crusader (x2) 8
8 / 3

Aggregated stats

Kills 98
Suicides 37
Flag captures 5
Flag returns 7
Team kills 2
Flag carrier kills 6
Highest speed 268
MAs (mid-airs) 44
MA+ (mid-air plus) 3
GLMAs (Grenade launcher mid-airs) 1
Total blaster damage 17
Total chaingun damage 68
Total grenade launcher damage 515
Total mortar damage 34
Total spinfusor damage 8125
Flag attacks 1
Flag defends 3
StatFuelDeposit 15
Flag pickups 25
killStatArena 5
Sniper maximal shot distance 376
Spinfusor maximal shot distance 1188
Total sniper rifle damage 272