House of Fire - Main - server 2018-06-03 20:03

Fenris (BEML6) (full data)

Phoenix won the match!

Imperial (6)

Name Score O D S
RL'|Cremon| 51 23 10 18
RL'|Vass| 39 20 9 10
keelei2 36 20 5 11
nw°Mercury 34 19 5 10
fireant 33 16 7 10
RL'|Morales| 26 16 8 2
nw°Liquid 25 19 1 5
RL'|Panacea| 25 15 4 6
goodwertijd 16 9 1 6
P:gB:lly W:nslow 14 8 0 6
nw°CocaCola 0 0 0 0

Phoenix (7)

Name Score O D S
Artemis 58 28 13 17
IC>Strawberry 42 18 4 20
duellerMagnet 39 23 5 11
IC>Straciatella 34 16 5 13
Iron 29 12 4 13
Vannhoven|^' 22 12 1 9
Bagels 21 15 3 3
nw°Whoppster 13 4 3 6
SyNko|^' 11 5 0 6
NewBlood 2 1 0 1
Yidbon|^' 2 1 0 1


Award Winner Winner # Sum #
Kills Artemis 22 228
Suicides Iron 11 100
Flag captures Bagels 2 13
Flag returns RL'|Vass| 4 29
Team kills P:gB:lly W:nslow 4 16
Flag carrier kills Artemis 7 35
Head shots nw°Mercury 2 5
Highest speed nw°Liquid 300 5181
MAs (mid-airs) IC>Strawberry 15 132
MA+ (mid-air plus) Iron 3 21
MA supreme (mid-air supreme) RL'|Vass| 2 11
GLMAs (Grenade launcher mid-airs) Iron 1 2
EBMAs (E-blade mid-airs) duellerMagnet 1 3
MMAs (Mortar mid-airs) Vannhoven|^' 1 1
Eat discs Iron 1 1
PMAs IC>Straciatella 2 2
Extended stats RL'|Vass| 533 1299
Total blaster damage keelei2 10 29
Total buckler damage duellerMagnet 52 52
Total burner damage IC>Straciatella 102 102
Total chaingun damage duellerMagnet 139 603
Total grenade launcher damage Artemis 356 1884
Total mortar damage P:gB:lly W:nslow 644 1910
Total rocket pod damage nw°Liquid 13 26
Total spinfusor damage RL'|Cremon| 1224 13997
Flag attacks nw°Mercury 4 23
Flag defends RL'|Morales| 4 24
Flag pickups Vannhoven|^' 6 57