patrick the starfish

Aliases: Patrick the Starfish

Related tribals: cremon

Total score 1435
Kills 503
Deaths 651
Offense 763
Defense 231
Style 441
Time played 15 hours (14 hours and 55 minutes)

53 matches

Time Map Players Score
2018-07-31 19:06 MP-TIS2-SandDance 9
3 / 4
2018-07-31 18:45 REV-Highlands 6
0 / 0
2018-07-31 17:22 Beml7 Faith 2
0 / 0
2018-07-31 17:01 Hidden Valley 3
0 / 0
2018-04-05 20:50 Tangent (BEML8) 8
2 / 6
2018-04-05 20:29 Beml7 Faith 13
9 / 8
2018-04-05 20:08 Crusader (x2) 11
3 / 3
2018-04-05 17:21 Tropics 4
4 / 1
2018-04-05 15:16 REV-Raindance.tvm 6
4 / 4
2018-04-01 21:23 Crusader (x2) 11
10 / 0

Aggregated stats

Kills 503
Suicides 220
Flag captures 51
Flag returns 95
Team kills 15
Flag carrier kills 99
Head shots 2
Highest speed 1873
MAs (mid-airs) 326
MA+ (mid-air plus) 35
MA supreme (mid-air supreme) 12
GLMAs (Grenade launcher mid-airs) 29
EBMAs (E-blade mid-airs) 1
OMGs 1
Eat discs 1
Sweet shot 1
Extended stats 354
Total blaster damage 5
Total chaingun damage 1859
Total grenade launcher damage 9241
Total mortar damage 4
Total spinfusor damage 35627
Flag attacks 20
Flag defends 37
Flag pickups 153
minutesonline 895
Sniper maximal shot distance 615
Spinfusor maximal shot distance 2429
Total sniper rifle damage 222