slav and furious

Aliases: nw°Slav And Furious , °Slav And Furious

Total score 430
Kills 120
Deaths 248
Offense 163
Defense 83
Style 184
Time played 10 hours (10 hours and 5 minutes)

28 matches

Time Map Players Score
2021-04-17 02:47 MP-TIS-Garrison 4
0 / 0
2021-04-17 02:26 REV-Riven 5
0 / 0
2021-04-17 02:05 Cavern 5
0 / 0
2021-04-17 02:01 MP-TIS2-SandDance 4
0 / 0
2021-04-17 01:41 Arid 4
0 / 0
2021-04-17 01:40 MP-Bregina 4
0 / 0
2021-04-17 01:19 BEML7 Stonehenge 4
0 / 0
2021-04-17 00:58 MP-REV2-Highlands 4
0 / 0

Aggregated stats

Kills 120
Suicides 147
Flag captures 9
Flag returns 36
Team kills 3
Flag carrier kills 44
Highest speed 578
MAs (mid-airs) 94
MA+ (mid-air plus) 27
MA supreme (mid-air supreme) 4
GLMAs (Grenade launcher mid-airs) 25
EBMAs (E-blade mid-airs) 9
Total chaingun damage 2
Total grenade launcher damage 2366
Total mortar damage 189
Total spinfusor damage 7628
Flag attacks 1
Flag defends 3
Flag pickups 130
minutesonline 605
Spinfusor maximal shot distance 1907