the phantom shitter (the phantom shitter)

Total score 28
Kills 13
Deaths 71
Offense 13
Defense 11
Style 4
Time played 2 hours (1 hours and 33 minutes)
Last seen 3 years ago

5 matches

Time Map Players Score
2021-01-15 23:51 Folly (BEML6) 11
7 / 2
2021-01-08 23:32 MP-REV2-Mayata 13
9 / 2
2021-01-08 23:11 REV-Simoon 9
9 / 8
2021-01-08 22:50 Crusader (x2) 6
0 / 0
2021-01-08 22:29 MP-REV2-Highlands 5
0 / 1

Aggregated stats

Kills 13
Suicides 11
Flag returns 7
Team kills 1
Flag carrier kills 4
Head shots 1
Highest speed 200
MAs (mid-airs) 3
Total blaster damage 203
Total chaingun damage 118
Total grenade launcher damage 27
Total mortar damage 269
Total rocket pod damage 13
Total spinfusor damage 1061
Sensor destroys 1
Flag pickups 5
Sniper maximal shot distance 244
Spinfusor maximal shot distance 240
Total sniper rifle damage 100