
Aliases: machine , nw°machine

Related tribals: ov strikerov , ultraviolet world , loli and the snuggle , ov striker , stop_blocking , blutdruckabfall

Total score 198
Kills 83
Deaths 59
Offense 110
Defense 35
Style 53
Time played 1 hours (1 hours and 1 minutes)

3 matches

Time Map Players Score
2017-12-16 23:23 REV-Highlands 9
8 / 2
2017-12-17 00:04 REV-CanyonCrusade 8
9 / 8
2017-12-16 23:44 MP-BEML4-Aeonian 8
2 / 5

Aggregated stats

Kills 83
Suicides 17
Flag captures 5
Flag returns 9
Team kills 1
Flag carrier kills 14
Highest speed 486
MAs (mid-airs) 43
MA+ (mid-air plus) 8
MA supreme (mid-air supreme) 1
EBMAs (E-blade mid-airs) 1
Total buckler damage 40
Total chaingun damage 469
Total grenade launcher damage 319
Total mortar damage 1307
Total spinfusor damage 3925
Flag attacks 3
Flag defends 12
Flag pickups 15
minutesonline 61