ultraviolet world

Aliases: Ùltråvîolët Wørld

Related tribals: ov strikerov , loli and the snuggle , ov striker , stop_blocking , blutdruckabfall

Total score 7259
Kills 2207
Deaths 2430
Offense 4067
Defense 1274
Style 1918
Time played 66 hours (2 days 17 hours and 59 minutes)

222 matches

Time Map Players Score
2018-06-03 20:24 REV-FeignedBeliefs 19
11 / 4
2018-06-03 20:27 Gigant (VM) 18
0 / 0
2018-06-03 20:48 Tropics 16
8 / 5
2021-03-20 21:20 Blood Veldt (VM) 14
2 / 5
2021-03-19 23:17 MP-REV2-Faith 13
5 / 4
2020-08-19 22:41 MP-REV2-Extinction 13
7 / 3
2018-04-01 20:41 Blood Veldt (VM) 13
4 / 7
2021-03-20 22:02 MP-REV2-Highlands 12
11 / 7
2021-03-20 21:41 MP-REV2-Mayata 12
5 / 4
2021-03-20 00:20 MP-REV3-Lumikko 12
5 / 7

Aggregated stats

Kills 2194
Suicides 960
Flag captures 365
Flag returns 543
Team kills 63
Flag carrier kills 544
Head shots 5
Highest speed 388
MAs (mid-airs) 1431
MA+ (mid-air plus) 170
MA supreme (mid-air supreme) 23
GLMAs (Grenade launcher mid-airs) 77
EBMAs (E-blade mid-airs) 36
MMAs (Mortar mid-airs) 16
OMGs 3
Eat discs 2
PMAs 4
Sweet shot 5
Extended stats 331
FlagPlay 1
TR Grab angle 1
TR Grab height 66
TR Grab sequence 1
TR Grab speed 67
Total blaster damage 1920
Total buckler damage 1957
Total burner damage 153
Total chaingun damage 8198
Total grenade launcher damage 26606
Total mortar damage 15501
Total spinfusor damage 129377
Flag attacks 85
Flag defends 187
Rabbit kills 4
Turnover 2
Flag pickups 1218
killStatArena 8
minutesonline 3959
Sniper maximal shot distance 2472
Spinfusor maximal shot distance 14802
Total sniper rifle damage 1921