Cremon (cremon)

Related tribals: patrick the starfish

Total score 11656
Kills 3694
Deaths 4659
Offense 6297
Defense 1904
Style 3456
Time played 121 hours (5 days and 31 minutes)
Last seen 5 years ago

398 matches

Time Map Players Score
2020-05-14 17:01 REV-Tangent 14
3 / 10
2020-05-12 20:10 REV-Raindance.tvm 11
5 / 6
2020-05-12 19:49 BEML7 Extinction 8
3 / 7
2020-05-12 12:52 BEML7 Cronox 3
0 / 0
2020-05-12 12:31 Tropics 3
0 / 0
2020-05-02 20:31 REV-Highlands 3
0 / 0
2018-05-15 22:28 Utopia 5
0 / 0
2018-05-15 22:07 Tropics 3
5 / 2
2018-05-02 20:29 REV-Raindance.tvm 6
11 / 5
2018-05-02 20:08 Beach Blitz (BEML8) 6
1 / 1

Aggregated stats

Kills 3652
Suicides 1522
Flag captures 429
Flag returns 755
Team kills 123
Flag carrier kills 812
Head shots 2
Highest speed 5177
MAs (mid-airs) 2479
MA+ (mid-air plus) 435
MA supreme (mid-air supreme) 108
GLMAs (Grenade launcher mid-airs) 199
EBMAs (E-blade mid-airs) 3
OMGs 3
Eat discs 10
PMAs 2
Sweet shot 16
Extended stats 470
FlagPlay 3
FurryFlagKill 2
TR Grab angle 1
TR Grab height 1
TR Grab sequence 1
Interception 1
Rabid rabbit 2
Total blaster damage 16
Total burner damage 83
Total chaingun damage 4217
Total grenade launcher damage 75340
Total mortar damage 202
Total spinfusor damage 261975
Flag attacks 178
Flag defends 324
Rabbit kills 14
Generator repairs 3
Sensor repairs 2
Turnover 7
Flag pickups 1409
killStatArena 9
stat 150
Back stabber 2
Sniper maximal shot distance 1843
Spinfusor maximal shot distance 12010
Total sniper rifle damage 863